You will complete many assignments in small teams. This process will teach you to cooperate quickly and effectively with fellow students, each of whom has a different (potentially international) background. Employers highly value this skill as well.
If you are a Dutch-speaking student, you can also opt for our Dutch track. Both programmes are identical in terms of level and content. If you’re looking for a smoother transition to a fully English-taught programme, the Dutch track could be the right choice for you.
What are the main theories and topics in economics and business? How do they help to understand the behaviour of individuals and organisations? Learn from practical assignments based on current subjects in the media and real business cases.
This course teaches you about the strategic functioning of organisations, their internal structure and their management. Group assignments help you to apply the theories and tools discussed, learn how to resolve basic strategic problems and make strategic recommendations.
The first part of this course helps you to acquire practical study skills and connect with your fellow students and the university. During the second part, you learn how to carry out a literature review to answer a research question.
What research methods are there? How do you design and conduct research and report on the results? We use published research to discuss the general and specific demands that both research and research reports must meet.
In this course you get acquainted with the basics of microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics deals with supply and demand, the price system, or market forms. Macroeconomics deals with economic growth, business fluctuations, economic policy and international aspects.
Do employees perform better when working alone or when working in a team? How do you lead teams and organisations effectively? During this course we investigate questions that concern the impact of individual differences and social processes at work.
Research and strategic decision-making require both making predictions and testing these with empirical data. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the different methods to handle statistical data. During this course you learn to understand and apply the basic concepts of statistics and probability theory.
During this course you acquire the skills and knowledge to execute your own qualitative research. You learn the basics of qualitative research methodology and practical skills like setting up a qualitative interview, creating an interview guideline and effectively presenting your research pitch.
Organisations offer products and services. In order to gain substantial competitive advantage, the operations and processes that create these products and services have to be effective and efficient. What problems and decisions do organisations face in order to achieve this?
This course is your introduction to identifying and recording an organisation’s economic transactions (accounting) and communicating its financial statements and economic results to investors, banks and government agencies (financial accounting).
Hi, I'm Esmée! I'm a Bachelor’s student in Business Administration from the Netherlands. Got questions about studying at the UvA? Get in touch.Chat with Esmée
Bachelor’s student Nika shares her experiences with the selection procedure.
Food prices are rising due to scarcity of certain ingredients. This is a challenge for the food industry. Imagine you are a potato chips producer. Potato and oil prices rise by 20%. Should we raise the price of chips packages by 20%? Will customers accept that? Negotiating with supermarkets to maintain low prices can be risky. We could also consider reducing the amount of chips in the bag, but is that ethically responsible? Isn’t it deceiving customers? In the 2nd year of your Bachelor’s programme, you’ll learn about strategy, finance, and marketing, and you’ll also delve into ethical issues that companies encounter in practice.
In this Bachelor’s programme, you will not only learn all about strategy, marketing, human recourses and digital business, but also about the concepts and theories of sustainability, ethics and corporate social responsibility. You will learn how ethical, social and sustainability issues factor into business decisions and can be integrated into business strategy and management practices.
Throughout this 3-year Bachelor’s programme, ethics, (corporate social) responsibility and sustainability will remain important topics and come back during the different business courses like Marketing, Finance, Economics or Organisational Behaviour.
You have to be independent and self-reliantHalil Kaynak, student BSc Business Administration Read Halil's review