On 15 April 2025, you will receive an email from Studielink with your ranking number. The average result of the different test components determines your position on the ranking list. After this initial selection, we work with 3 groups, namely:
- Group 1: the 550 candidates with the highest test scores. They receive a ranking number based on their test results.
- Group 2: the middle group, consisting of 650 candidates. This middle group receives their ranking number based on weighted lottery.
- Group 3: the candidates with the lowest test scores. They receive a ranking number based on their test results.
Is your ranking number between 1 and 800? Then you will immediately be offered a place.
Is your ranking number 801 or higher? Then you will have to wait until a spot becomes available, as placed candidates may withdraw. There is a high chance this will happen between 15 April and 1 August 2025. As soon as a spot opens up for you, you will receive an email.