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Dr. M.D. (Maria) Aloni

Faculty of Humanities

Logic and Language

Prof. dr. A. (Arianna) Betti

Faculty of Humanities

Logic and Language

Dr J. (Jelke) Bloem

Faculty of Humanities

Departement Mediastudies

Dr. E.C. (Elsbeth) Brouwer

Faculty of Humanities

Logic and Language

Dr. M. (Marco) Degano

Faculty of Science


Dr. P.J.E. (Paul) Dekker

Faculty of Humanities

Logic and Language

Dr. T. (Tamara) Dobler

Amsterdam University College

Dr. L. (Luca) Incurvati

Faculty of Humanities

Logic and Language

Prof. dr. M. (Michiel) van Lambalgen

Faculty of Humanities

Dr. J.M.I.M. (Joop) Leo

Faculty of Science


Dr. J. (Jaap) Maat

Faculty of Science


S. (Sylvia) Pauw MSc

Faculty of Humanities

Logic and Language

Dr. G. (Giorgio) Sbardolini PhD

Faculty of Humanities

Logic and Language

Dr. K. (Katrin) Schulz

Faculty of Science


Prof. dr. S.J.L. (Sonja) Smets

Faculty of Science


Prof. dr. M.J.B. (Martin) Stokhof

Faculty of Humanities