This year, the Spinoza Chair is held by Jennifer Lackey, the Wayne and Elizabeth Jones Professor of Philosophy and Professor of Law (courtesy) at Northwestern University. The central topic is social epistemology. Lackey will give two lectures.
Jennifer Lackey is the Wayne and Elizabeth Jones Professor of Philosophy and Professor of Law (courtesy) at Northwestern University, Founding Director of the Northwestern Prison Education Program, and Senior Research Associate at the African Centre for Epistemology and Philosophy of Science at the University of Johannesburg.
Lackey’s research is primarily in social epistemology. She is the author of over 60 articles and three books, including her recent Criminal Testimonial Injustice, which won the 2024 North American Society for Social Philosophy Book Award. She is also the editor of five volumes and editor-in-chief of two journals, Philosophical Studies and Episteme. Lackey is the winner of the 2024 Humanitas Award, 2023 Horace Mann Medal, and the Lebowitz Prize for Philosophical Achievement and Contribution. She was elected President of the American Philosophical Association’s Central Division from 2021–2022 and has received grants and fellowships from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the American Council of Learned Societies, and the National Endowment for the Humanities.
2024 - Paul C. Taylor (registration of lectures: Reconsidering the Racial Reckoning and What is wrong with Antiracism)
2023 - Linda Martín Alcoff (registration of lectures: Extractivism as a model for Modern Epistemology and A Decolonial Dialogic Approach as a Corrective Epistemology)
2022 - Charles Mills (Charles Mills passed away in late 2021, Lewis R. Gordon and Philomena Essed spoke in his place)
2021 - Robert Brandom (registration of lectures: A Rortyan Pragmatist Master-Argument and Hegel’s Recollective Account of Representation)
2019 - Catherine Malabou (registration of lectures: Beyond the 'archic' Principle and Morality and Horizontality)
2018 - Susan Wolf (registration of lectures: Aesthetic Responsibility and Selves Like Us)
2017 - Béatrice Longuenesse (registration of lectures: Perplexing I and Two unlikely bedfellows: Kant and Freud on Morality)
2016 - Jonathan Lear
2015 - Sally Haslanger
2014 - Quentin Skinner
2013 - Onora O’Neill
2012 - Michael Friedmann
2011 - Cristina Lafont
2010 - Moira Gatens
2009 - Robert Pippin
2008 - Asma Barlas
2007 - Herman De Dijn, Jonathan Israel en Steven Nadler
2006 - John Dupré
2005 - Bruno Latour
2004 - Nancy Fraser
2003 - Hubert Dreyfus
2002 - Judith Butler
2001 - Hilary Putnam
2000 - Seyla Benhabib
1999 - Axel Honneth
1998 - Stanley Cavell
1997 - Richard Rorty
1996 - Albrecht Wellmer
1995 - Manfred Frank, Daniel C. Dennett en Will Kymlicka
The following texts of the Spinoza Lectures have been published by Van Gorcum:
Jaar |
Auteur |
Titel |
2016 |
Jonathan Lear |
The Idea of a Philosophical Anthropology |
9789023 255581 |
2015 |
Sally Haslanger |
Critical Theory and Practice |
9789023 255574 |
2014 |
Quentin Skinner |
Hobbes and the State |
9789023 254591 |
2013 |
Onora O'Neill |
Speech Rights and Speech Wrongs |
9789023 254584 |
2012 |
Michael Friedman |
A Post-Kuhnian Philosophy of Science |
9789023 253044 |
2011 |
Christina Lafont |
Global Governance and Human Rights |
9789023 250753 |
2010 |
Moira Gatens |
Spinoza's Hard Path to Freedom |
9789023 249399 |
2009 |
Robert Pippin |
Hegel's Concept of Self-Consciousness |
9789023 246220 |
2008 |
Asma Barlas |
Re-understanding Islam: a Double Critique |
9789023 244585 |
2006 |
John Dupré |
The Constituents of Life |
9789023 243809 |
2005 |
Bruno Latour |
What Is the Style of Matters of Concern? |
9789023 243793 |
2004 |
Nancy Fraser |
Reframing Justice |
9789023 241553 |
2003 |
Hubert Dreyfus |
Skilled Coping as Higher Intelligibility |
9789023 243786 |
2002 |
Judith Butler |
Giving an Account of Oneself |
9789023 239406 |
2001 |
Hilary Putnam |
Enlightenment and Pragmatism |
9789023 237396 |
2000 |
Seyla Benhabib |
Transformations of Citizenship |
9789023 237242 |
1999 |
Axel Honneth |
Suffering from Indeterminacy |
9789023 235644 |
1997 |
Richard Rorty |
Truth, politics and 'post-modernism' |
9789023 232797 |
1996 |
Albrecht Wellmer |
Revolution und Interpretation |
9789023 234265 |
1995 |
Will Kymlicka |
States, Nations and Cultures |
9789023 232247 |
1995 |
Manfred Frank |
Selbstbewußtsein und Argumentation |
9789023 232780 |