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Dr. J.M.I.M. (Joop) Leo

Faculty of Science

Visiting address
  • Science Park 105
Postal address
  • Postbus 94242
    1090 GE Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Publications



    • Leo, J. (2016). Coordinate-free logic. Review of Symbolic Logic, 9(3), 522-555. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Leo, J. M. I. M. (2016). Zero or hero? In J. van Eijck, R. Iemhoff, & J. Joosten (Eds.), Liber Amicorum Alberti: A Tribute to Albert Visser (Vol. 30, pp. 205 - 208). (Tributes). College Publications.


    • Leo, J. M. I. M. (2014). Thinking in a coordinate-free way about relations. Dialectica, 68(2), 263-282.


    • Leo, J. M. I. M. (2013). Relational complexes. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 42, 357-390.


    • Leo, J. M. I. M., Visser, A., van Oostrom, V., & Grabmayer, C. (2011). On the termination of Russell's description elimination algorithm. Review of Symbolic Logic, 4(3), 367-393.


    • Leo, J. M. I. M. (2010). Modeling occurrences of objects in relations. Review of Symbolic Logic, 3(1), 145-174.


    • Leo, J. M. I. M. (2008). Modeling relations. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 37, 353-385.
    • Leo, J. M. I. M. (2008). The identity of argument-places. Review of Symbolic Logic, 1(3), 335-354.


    • Leo, J. M. I. M. (1991). A general context-free parsing algorithm running in linear time on every LR(k) grammar without using look-ahead. Theoretical Computer Science, 82, 165-176.


    • Leo, J. M. I. M. (2010). The Logical Structure of Relations.
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