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The UvA must be a safe environment for everyone. For this reason, we have established clear starting points with regard to photographing and distributing images of each other.

Always ask for permission

  • No permission? Do not take photos or make (audio) recordings
    We do not film or photograph each other without permission. This allows us to comply with our Code of Conduct and the law, including the Privacy Act.
  • Permission granted? Only share in private circles
    Images created with the permission of lecturers and/or students may only be distributed in private circles. This also applies to (parts of) web lectures posted online by the UvA.
  • Public sharing? Request permission once again
    The public dissemination of images (e.g. on social media or app groups) may only take place with the explicit consent of the employee(s) and/or student(s) concerned.
  • Threats, defamation and slander
    The images must never be presented in such a way as to pose a threat, defamation, slander or insult.