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If you want to film or take pictures on any of the UvA’s premises, you will need approval. The guiding principle here is that none of these activities may in any way disturb teaching, research and operational management.

The following conditions apply:

  • In principle, we only accept requests involving a direct relationship with the university, such as an interview with a UvA scientist or reporting on an activity at the UvA. 
  • Requests from commercial parties or for commercial use will not be approved.
  • Only flyers handed out on request and sent by the UvA are allowed.
  • If a cameraman/woman or photographer is working on campus with permission, they should ask students and staff in advance whether they object to being (recognisably) in the picture. Anyone who objects can make this known, their objections will be honoured. 

Request permission

You can request permission by using one of the forms below. Make sure to do this no later than one week before the date on which you wish to film or photograph.

Making your own recordings and sharing them on social media

The UvA should be a safe environment for everyone. This is why we have clear guidelines around photographing and distributing images of each other.