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Through our admissions process we want to learn about who you are, how you think, and your achievements and interests, both in class and beyond. To start your admissions journey, find out about PPLE’s entry requirements and all the steps of PPLE’s admissions procedure. Are you ready to make your move? Submit your application before February 1st!

The admissions process  

The PPLE admissions process is designed to determine if our programme is a good match with your academic interests, capabilities and ambitions. To ensure a smooth process, we strongly encourage you to begin planning and preparing early, as certain steps may require extra time and attention based on your unique circumstances.

To provide you with an overview of our admissions process, take a look at the flowchart below.


Getting started: Check the entry requirements 

One of the first steps to becoming a PPLE student is to check if and how you can meet the entry requirements. PPLE College is a selective programme with an annual intake of approximately 230 students per year. The entry requirements are specific to PPLE and differ from those of other programmes of the University of Amsterdam.

Are you ready to take your first steps in applying to PPLE?