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The programme of the Executive MSc in International Finance combines traditional finance with innovative developments, providing you with a thorough understanding of the complexities of the financial markets and international business. You can focus on the area of your choice by selecting 1 of the 2 tracks and several electives. To finish the programme, you complete a thesis project.

Core programme

Each academic year has 2 semesters, both divided into 3 blocks. Choose 1 of the tracks in this Master's programme to explore the subject that fits your interests and ambitions.

Shared programme

  • Advanced Corporate Finance & Valuation
    Period 1

    Get introduced to fundamental concepts in Finance and build a strong framework applying the most commonly used tools in valuation and capital budgeting.

  • Financial Econometrics
    Period 1

    Enhance your skills in econometric analysis of macroeconomic and financial data, emphasising regression theory and time series analysis.

  • Investments & Algorithmic Trading
    Period 1

    Understand core financial concepts and theories related to different types of investments and learn to apply them to practical problems faced by financial practitioners.

  • Finance Research Workshop
    Period 1
    Period 2
    Period 3
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6

    Prepare yourself for writing your Master’s thesis. Gain experience with applied scientific research in the field of finance and improve your skills for conducting your own research.

  • MIF Leadership Programme
    Period 1
    Period 2
    Period 3
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6

    Develop your personal and professional leadership skills and gain top management insights. The focus is on exploring your own leadership styles, strengths and areas for development.

  • M&A and Restructuring
    Period 2

    Gain knowledge of key issues in M&A and restructuring. Understand the theoretical foundations and conceptual underpinnings and learn to apply concepts and ideas in the real business world.

  • Financial Modeling
    Period 4

    Learn to build financial models for corporate finance, investments, portfolios and advanced derivatives pricing using Monte-Carlo simulations.

  • Risk Management
    Period 4

    Get an overview of key issues in financial risk management. Learn to evaluate, measure and manage financial risks to which companies are exposed.

  • Corporate Governance: Dilemma's in the Financial Industry
    Period 4

    Grow awareness of the significance of (personal) ethics. Develop an ethical approach in business and get insight into the importance of laws and codes of conducts/ ethics.

  • Master Thesis
    Period 1
    Period 2
    Period 3
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6

    Conduct research on a subject relevant to your organisation or industry. Your employer will be able to profit directly from your research results.

Check more detailed information about the specific courses in the course catalogue

Take individual modules from the Master's programme

You have the option to take individual modules from our Master’s programme. This allows you to deepen or broaden your expertise in a specific area of finance. Each module provides in-depth knowledge on key themes within the field. All classes are held on campus, so a valid visa for the Netherlands is required to attend.

Francesco Giovannini, alumnus
Copyright: ABS
I decided to move to Amsterdam to increase my professional skills and financial knowledge within an international environment. Based on these needs MIF seemed to be the best choice and now I can say it definitely met my expectations. Francesco Giovannini, alumnus Read Francesco's testimonial

General track 

The General track offers cutting-edge insights into corporate finance, asset management and banking. You get to attend guest lectures from leading finance academics, policymakers and global figures. Choose 2 mandatory electives and up to 2 additional courses to suit your interests and career goals. 

  • Financial Analysis & Valuation
    Period 2

    Learn to apply conceptual aspects of financial accounting and reporting to the financial statements of real-world organisations.

  • Financial Derivatives
    Period 2

    Develop the necessary skills to design, value and manage risks using derivatives contracts. Acquire essential skills related to hedging, speculation and arbitrage.

  • International Financial Management
    Period 4

    Build a framework for making financial decisions in an international context by extending the main principles in corporate finance and investments to a cross‐border setting.

Jaemi Samonte
Copyright: UvA / MIF
The quality of the courses, the professors, class, seminars and career-related activities, all contributed to making the Master's programme a very valuable experience. Jaemi Samonte, Credit Analyst/Business Manager at ING Read Jaemi's testimonial

Finance and Technology track 

Take an active role in the industry’s transformation by choosing our Finance and Technology track. From big data to machine learning, you learn to use Fintech to your advantage. You can further specialise your programme by choosing 2 additional courses. 

  • Data Analytics & Quantitative Trading
    Period 2

    Learn how to apply computing technology to financial trading strategies and use Python to programme various financial algorithms.

  • Machine Learning & AI in Finance
    Period 4

    Acquire a statistical, technical and intuitive understanding of machine learning and AI techniques. Learn methods to assess and enhance the performance of these techniques.

  • Fintech Ventures
    Period 5

    Get acquainted with the key principles, behaviors, tools and frameworks enabling start-ups and start-up initiatives within large corporates to capture digital opportunities.

  • Applied Blockchain
    Period 6

    Learn to run your own private blockchain and gain an understanding of what it takes to launch a financial service on a blockchain.

  • Fintech: Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies & Smart Contracts
    Period 6

    Discover topics like digital currencies, blockchains in the FinTech field.

Evren Yuksel, alumnus
Copyright: ABS / MIF
The curriculum offers a perfect balance between finance and technology. It covers essential financial concepts while also exposing students to emerging technologies that shape the financial landscape. Evren Yuksel, alumnus Read Evren's testimonial
'One of the first to combine finance and technology’

Jens Martin (Programme Director): ‘The MIF programme offers two tracks. In the General track, students have room to customise their programme with electives. Whereas the Fintech track prepares students for the future of finance by combining knowledge about finance and technology.’


General track

Restricted-choice electives Free-choice electives
  • Behavioural Finance
  • Advanced Asset Management
  • Fintech Ventures
  • Fintech: Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies & Smart Contracts
  • Data Analytics & Quantitive Trading
  • Machine Learning & AI in Finance
  • Applied Blockchain

Finance & Technology Track

Free-choice electives
  • Sustainable Finance and Impact Investing
  • Financial Derivatives
  • M&A and Restructuring
  • Behavioural Finance
  • International Financial Management
  • Advanced Asset Management
Maarten Biermans
As a finance professional, you need to know what's coming your way. Maarten Biermans, lecturer of the new elective Sustainable Finance and Impact Investing More on the new elective

Balanced mix of theory and practice

Learn from both your instructors with in-depth industry experience and a world-class academic reputation and from your international and motivated classmates. All with highly diversified industry backgrounds. Theory discussions will challenge your academic thinking and help you apply the acquired knowledge to real business cases and to your own organisation, helping you to become a confident, inspiring and committed leader in finance.


Learn and work together with motivated fellow students. Together, you are a well-balanced mix of nationalities with different views and opinions, who are working in a wide variety of industries. This diversity offers you the opportunity to widen your perspective and have a once-in-a-lifetime learning experience.

Paulrich Lawrence Tan
Copyright: ABS
The courses on offer provide students with a mix of theory and practice. Having a solid grasp of both is important especially in the corporate environment. Paulrich Lawrence Tan, Senior Product Manager at ING Read Paulrich's testimonial

Programme partners: CFA and CAIA 

The MIF programme is a proud partner of the prestigious Chartered Financial Analyst Society (CFA) and the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst Institute (CAIA), two highly-regarded organisations in the finance industry. You may also benefit from the scholarships CFA and CAIA offer.