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Student in the spotlight

What is your background?

I did science-based studies at high school where mathematics was my passion. But at the same time I come from a family with a history of entrepreneurship. The mix of this educational and professional background pushed me to study Economics at the university.

Could you tell us more about your educational and professional background?

After a bachelor degree and a master degree at the LUISS university of Rome, both in the field of business administration, I started to work in the financial sector. I started as a financial planner for a Telecommunication company in Rome, where I had the chance to work on several projects ranging from working capital management to  debt refinancing, to one of the biggest mergers in the Italian business environment.

Why did you decide to pursue the MIF at the Amsterdam Business School?

I decided to move to Amsterdam to increase my professional skills and financial knowledge within an international environment, with the aim of moving from corporate finance to a deeper knowledge of the financial markets and their dynamics. Based on these needs MIF seemed to be the best choice and now I can say it definitely met my expectations.

Who is your favourite professor?

All the professors I met during my studies at MIF left me something, not just in terms of knowledge, but I learned a lot as well from the discussions they always have with the class. This approach let us share our ideas and our different perspectives. This is something that, in such an international environment, enriches everyone, opens the minds and more importantly multiplies knowledge. Because knowledge is the only resource in this world which increases the more it is used.

Could you tell us more about your current additional activities (besides your job)?

I decided to focus on my studies here in Amsterdam. So after having quit my job, beside studying I started to cooperate with a company which provides training for employees. I produced study material for this company to teach basic finance to those employees who were trying to achieve a career “horizontally oriented”, moving through different functions of the same company.

How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

Go-getter, communicative, solution oriented.

What is your favourite place?

My favourite place is the village where I grew up, in the countryside, in the center of Italy, where about 300 people live surrounded by hills, working in their fields, almost without any internet connection. A place far from the reality of the contemporary world, from which I wanted to run away as a teenager, but which now I appreciate for the peace and the feelings that it generates in me.

What is your favourite sport?

Football is my favourite sport, which has been giving me strong emotions since the world cup final Italy lost in 1994.

What is your advice for potential MIF students?

My advice is choosing this course with the idea of starting a path which will develop yourself from different point of views. This course is not going to give you just financial knowledge, but an international network, which will make you grow as human beings and which will open several other paths for you in a city which can offer a lot to young, brave and ambitious minds.