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If you successfully complete the pre-Master’s programme within a year, you will automatically be admitted to the Master’s Latin American Studies. However, you do need to complete the programme within one year, as you cannot start the Master's without fully meeting the entry requirements. After completing the pre-Master's programme you will not receive a diploma or certificate.


Please note: If you have obtained an academic Bachelor’s degree, you do not need to take the two Academic Skills courses (2 x 6 ECTS), which means that the programme will comprise 30 ECTS instead of 42 ECTS. Below you see the programme of the current academic year; the courses in the coming academic year may differ slightly. The Course Catalogue for the new academic year will be published in May.

  • Academic Skills pre-Master's
    Period 1
    Period 3
  • Politics and Protest: The Latin American State and Social Movements
    Period 1
  • Encountering the Americas: Latin America in the 21st Century
    Period 2
  • Gender and Social Inequality in Latin America
    Period 4
  • Brazil: Democracy, Citizenship and Culture
    Period 4
  • The Identity of the City in Latin America
    Period 5
UvA Course Catalogue - Pre-Master's Latin American Studies

Procedure: enrolment via CEDLA

If you wish to gain access to the Master’s programme Latin American Studies by means of this pre-Master’s programme, you must first follow the application procedure for the Master’s Latin American Studies. This means that you cannot enrol directly in the pre-Master’s, but that you must follow the application procedure for the Master’s programme as described on the page Application and admission. Please complete all of the steps of the application process, including enrolment in MyInfo and the submission of all of the required application documents.

The selection committee will assess your prior education. If you are able to meet the entry requirements for the Master’s by doing the pre-Master’s programme, you will be notified of this. If you successfully complete the pre-Master’s programme within a year, you will automatically be admitted to the Master’s Latin American Studies.

Important information regarding visa

If you need a visa for your stay in the Netherlands, please note that the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) only issues visas to pre-Master's students for the duration of one year. If you do not complete the programme in one year, you cannot continue your studies anywhere in the Netherlands.


The tuition fee rate for a pre-Master’s programme in the academic year 2024-2025 is €42.17 per ECTS, with a maximum of €2,530. This means that for a 42 ECTS pre-Master’s programme, the fee is €1,771; for a 30 ECTS programme, the fee is €1,265.

More information

Dr F. (Fabio) de Castro

Faculty of Humanities


Facts & Figures
30/42 ECTS, 12 months
Language of instruction
Conditions for admission
University of applied sciences degree (HBO)
Academic/research university degree (WO)
Starts in