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Dr F. (Fabio) de Castro

Fabio de Castro is senior lecturer at CEDLA, the Faculty of Humanities, University of Amsterdam (UvA). He is coordinator of the Master Programme in Latin American Studies and chair of the Netherlands Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (NALACS) - His teaching and research activities are related to environment and society issues in Latin America, including environmental justice, socioenvironmental movements, environmental politics and sustainable production systems. He has collaborated in several international research projects such as ENGOV (EU 7th Framework), RRING (Horizon2020), AGENTS (Belmont Forum/NORFACE). He is currently the co-PI of LINKAGES (NWO/FAPESP) which focuses on value chains of sociobiodiversity products in the Amazon basin (
Faculty of Humanities

Visiting address
  • Binnengasthuisstraat 46
  • Room number: 5.12
Postal address
  • Postbus 94554
    1090 GN Amsterdam