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Read the stories of a few exchange students that studied at the Faculty of Science in the past.

Melik Kaan, Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
Studied Physics (BSc) at the UvA

I am really happy I decided to do an exchange at the University of Amsterdam. The most important factors to choose this university were, firstly, Amsterdam itself, and then the ranking of the UvA compared to other universities.

During my exchange I have taken not only physics courses, but also a variety of courses in different fields. Even in just one semester you notice the quality of education being provided. I love how flexible the academic system is since it gives multiple chances to students who face difficulties.

And since Amsterdam encompasses many cultures beyond the Dutch culture, doing your exchange in Amsterdam is a unique experience. You can always find a part of your own culture in the city, which can really help you adapt. I will definitely apply the wonderful experiences I gained in Amsterdam in the future.

Umberto Tarantino, Università degli studi di Milano
Studied Logic (MSc) at the UvA

The academic environment I found in Amsterdam was the most culturally diverse and intellectually stimulating I could wish for. The opportunity to interact with so many people from different backgrounds can only help one grow as a person and as an academic. Classes are often taught by leading experts in their areas, and any level of useless formality between students and teachers is erased in favor of an optimal communication. I firmly believe that my Master would not have been the same without my stay in Amsterdam. It has given me a solid background in many areas of Logic, and I am certain it also helped me to obtain my PhD position, starting next fall.