You have already filled out your preferred courses in your application. This is the list we will work with to check your course eligibility. Make sure to timely answer any emails you receive from us about courses selection. This way we can quickly finalize your course list.
During this eliginility check period we will ask you to also check your timetables. It is your own responsibility to apply for courses do not overlap for teaching or exams. The recommended study load for one semester is 30 EC: 12 EC in block 1, 12 EC in block 2 and 6 EC in block 3.
An overview of the courses that are part of the exchange programme can be found in the UvA Course Catalogue. Search for the following programme: Exchange Programme Faculty of Science
The timetable can be found on the University's timetable page. Please note that the timetable is available a few weeks before course registration starts.