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Exchange students are asked to compose their individual study programme consisting of max. 30 credits per semester. They may choose English-taught LLB courses and LLM courses.

LLB courses

The LLB courses that are open for exchange students are:

Semester 1

Semester 2

LLM courses

The LLM courses that are open for exchange students are:

Semester 1

Semester 2

Academic calendar

The academic year runs from September to the end of June and is divided into two semesters, each with three blocks.

Study programme

Exchange students are asked to compose their individual study programme consisting of max. 30 credits per semester, using the course catalogue. They may choose LLB courses and LLM courses.

Semester composition

One semester is composed of three blocks. Exchange students take a mix of courses of 30 credits in total per semester which can be divided over the three blocks.

Semester 1: period 1, 2 and 3
Semester 2: period 4, 5 and 6

Please note that there is a limited course offer in the third and sixth blocks because degree seeking students write their thesis in those blocks.


Go to the timetable to compose your weekly schedule based on the courses of your interest. Please pay close attention to possible clashing courses in terms of the timing of lectures, tutorials, exams and resit exams.

Summer school students in Artis, 2018