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The Faculty of Humanities offers courses in the field of Art, Religion and Cultural Sciences; Dutch Studies; History, Archaeology and Area Studies; Language and Literature; Media studies; and Philosophy.

Erasmus agreement

The Faculty of Humanities has Erasmus agreements in all of the fields mentioned above. Exchange students can choose courses from the complete range of study areas within the Humanities. They do not need to limit themselves to the specific study area of the exchange agreement providing they select courses offered by the Faculty. Courses at other faculties are not readily available, as exchange students are registered at one faculty only and are therefore generally limited to courses taught at that faculty. It is sometimes possible for students to take one or two courses at another faculty, but this is difficult and not guaranteed.

Language requirements

Courses at the Faculty of Humanities are mainly taught in Dutch or English. 

Students are expected to have sufficient knowledge of the language in which the course is taught. Please view the entry requirements on Application and Admission for more information.

A variety of courses

Exchange students can do a variety of Bachelor's courses within the Exchange programme College of Humanities or take Master's courses from one of our cutting-edge Master's programmes organised through the Graduate School of Humanities. 

  • Bachelor's courses

    The Faculty of Humanities offers courses in the following fields of study:

    • Archaeology and Ancient Studies
    • Arts & Cultural Sciences
    • Courses taught in Dutch
    • Dutch Studies
    • English Language and Culture
    • European Studies
    • History & American Studies
    • Language, Literature and Culture Studies
    • Media studies
    • Philosophy; and
    • Religious Studies.

    You are also able to follow courses at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (IIS).

    Be prepared to take interdisciplinary courses

    We cannot guarantee placement in the desired courses, nor can we guarantee that students can take a full workload in their field of study. Students wanting to study with us should be interested in, and ready to take interdisciplinary courses and courses outside their major study area within the Faculty of Humanities 

    Courses taught in one of the Modern European Languages

    The Faculty of Humanities offers courses in modern European languages such as Italian, Spanish, Modern Greek, French, and German. If you are proficient in these languages, you can take these courses. Please be aware that Dutch is often used as the language of reference.

  • Master's courses

    The Graduate School of Humanities provides innovative graduate education. With some of Europe's most cutting edge Master’s programmes, the Graduate School annually attracts ambitious students from across the globe.

    If you would like to take courses on Master's level, you must have completed a Bachelor Degree (three years of university) in the specific study area. For Master's courses in English, you also need an official English language test. For more information see the entry requirements on Application and admission.

    Courses of selective master's 

    Courses of selective Master's programmes (research Master's and professional Master's) are not open to exchange students.

    More information

    Information on courses at the Master's level can be found in the course catalogue. 

  • Academic calendar

    The semester is divided into three blocks: 8 weeks, 8 weeks, and 4 weeks. Courses can start at each of these blocks and will run for one or two blocks. The first teaching weeks of blocks 1, 2, 4 and 5 are scheduled free of lectures and tests. Exams are at the end of each block. Students are recommended to take two courses per block. 

    1st semester - September - January  block  duration
     September- October  1  8 weeks
     November - December  2  8 weeks
     January  3  4 weeks
     2nd semester - February - June    
     February - March  4  8 weeks
     April - May  5    8 weeks
     June  6  4 weeks 


A full-time study load is 30 ECTS (European Credits) per semester and 60 ECTS for a full year. The number of credits for each course is listed in the course description. 

Students can only take a course for full credit. This means attending all sessions and participating actively in class discussions and presentations. All students are also required to take the final assessment (final exam or final paper depending on the type of assessment of the course).

Learn or improve your Dutch

The INTT (Institute for Dutch as a Second Language) offers courses on various levels to learn or improve Dutch.

Copyright: onbekend
I took a course taught in Dutch only eight weeks after I learned the first word in that language. That was a challenge, but the teacher and the Dutch students helped me out, so it was not that big of a problem at the end. Exchange student from Germany Learn more about INTT courses