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To take part in a programme, you need to register for courses each semester using GLASS. Please make sure that you follow the procedure during your exchange programme. You will be informed about course registration by email as well.

Course registration takes place twice per academic year, approximately two months prior to the new semester. In the academic calendar, you can find the start and end dates for each semester. Click here for a step-by-step explanation and other things to take into account during course registration.

Prepare yourself for registration

Find out which courses to follow

An overview of the courses that are part of the exchange programme can be found in the UvA Course Catalogue. Select the correct academic year and search for one of the following programmes:

  • Exchange Programme College of Humanities (Bachelor's courses)
  • Exchange Programme Graduate School of Humanities (Master's courses)
    The courses listed under these programmes have reserved spots for exchange students during the regular course registration periods. During the late course registration periods, placement is not guaranteed.

Register for the courses

It is your own responsibility to sign up for courses with timetables that do not overlap.  The recommended study load for one semester is 30 EC: 12 EC in block 1, 12 EC in block 2 and 6 EC in block 3.

You can take 1 or 2 courses (12 ECTS) at another faculty. Courses at other faculties are not readily available, as exchange students are registered at one faculty only and are therefore generally limited to courses taught at that faculty. It is sometimes possible for students to take one or two courses at another faculty, but this is difficult and not guaranteed.


If you encounter any difficulties when registering for courses, you can send an email to