Platform for the Ethics and Politics of Technology
Beate Roessler is Professor of Ethics at the University of Amsterdam and both chair of the Capacity group of Philosophy and Public Affairs as well as chair of the Department of Philosophy.
Huub Dijstelbloem is Professor of Philosophy of Science and Politics at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and Senior Research Fellow at the Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) in The Hague.
Marjolein Lanzing is Assistant Professor Philosophy of Technology at the University of Amsterdam. She finished her PhD-research 'The Transparent Self': A Normative Investigation of Changing Selves and Relationships in the Age of the Quantified Self at the 4TU Center for Ethics and Technology (University of Technology Eindhoven).
Eva Groen-Reijman works as a postdoc in the NWO funded project: Safeguarding Democratic Values In Digital Political Practices (PI: Natali Helberger, University Professor Law and Digital Technology, second PI: Claes de Vreese, Professor Political Communication Politieke and Beate Roessler, Professor in Ethics and its History).
Aybüke Özgün is an Assistant Professor of Responsible and Ethical AI at the University of Amsterdam and the Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation. She completed a joint PhD degree in Logic and Computer Science at the University of Amsterdam and the University of Lorraine.
Kris Ruijgrok is a political scientist studying the information and communication environments that shape, and are shaped by authoritarian politics. He currently combines two postdoctoral positions: At the KITLV in Leiden he works on a project investigating online influence operations in Southeast Asia. At the UvA, he examines the politics behind internet shutdowns in India.
Annemijn Kwikkers is a PhD student in philosophy at the University of Amsterdam. Her project, as part of the AlgoSoc consortium, is about the change of democratic public values in an algorithmic society. She specifically focuses on the deployment of algorithmic decision-systems for both the creation and dissemination of news and information and how this may influence the way people are informed about democratically relevant matters.
Selin Gerlek is an assistant professor in the philosophy of technology and politics at the UvA. Her research focuses on digital citizenship, transformative processes in human-technology relations, mediated cultural practices, and value change. Besides being a member of PEPT, she is also scientific coordinator of the research line “Empirical Ethics” at the IAS and a member of several projects, commissions and groups on digital citizenship, medical ethics, AI and visual technologies.
Lukas Hjulmann Seidler works for PEPT as a student assistant. He studies Philosophy and Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam where he focuses on environmental humanities. He is especially interested in the infrastructures and technologies of anthropogenic climate change and the questions that arise in the discourses surrounding ‘sea level rise’.