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How do we connect and find common ground – even when we disagree? How do we rebuild mutual trust and engage in substantive debate? How do we ensure a safe environment for everyone? These important, and at times fundamental, conversations are currently taking place at the UvA among students and staff.

Following the events of May and June, our students, staff, deans, and Executive Board members are gradually finding their way back to dialogue. Engaging in conversation is step one – hopefully, the results will include the restoration of trust, the creation of a safe working and studying environment, and room to agree to disagree.

Conversations in various settings

Discussions are happening in various places and configurations: through study advisors and confidants, in organised group discussions, in programme groups or team meetings, with Executive Board members, and with the participatory bodies within the UvA.

In June, conversations were also held in different settings about policy on the ethical and moral aspects of international academic cooperation in the short term. This discussion will continue after the summer.

Join the conversation

Students and staff will have the opportunity to express their opinions and share their feelings in the coming months. Want to join the conversation? Keep an eye on the newsletters, the agenda on the student site, or the agenda on your employee site.

Want to organise a conversation yourself? You can request a listening session facilitated by an external discussion leader: towards a sustainable dialogue.

For teachers looking for tips on incorporating dialogue into their lectures, the Teaching & Learning Centre offers tools and support.