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In May, events surrounding the UvA's response to the war and the catastrophic humanitarian crisis in Gaza escalated. The message from the demonstrating groups was and remains clear: the UvA must do something. But the campus is divided on the questions of whether the UvA should do something, and, if they should, what it should be.

In any case, the discussions at the UvA will continue until the summer: about a tightened ethical framework for collaborations, but also about restoring trust and the possibility of disagreeing with each other. Rector Peter-Paul Verbeek and FMG dean Agneta Fischer look back and look ahead. Verbeek: 'No one wants any further escalation.'

After a spiral of violence such as the UvA has never experienced before, the path to dialogue seems to have finally been found. Students and employees are talking to each other, to the Executive Board and deans, through study advisors and confidential counselors, in organised group discussions, in programme groups or team meetings and with the representative advisory bodies within the UvA.

The Executive Board and deans are engaged in ongoing conversations with employees and students within the faculties, how is that going?

Fischer: 'There are major differences between the faculties. At FEB, A-UMC and ACTA there is much less discussion, but at the FGW, FMG and FNWI, and especially at the AUC, emotions have been running high. There have been intense conversations with groups of students and employees who are either very angry and indignant or who are worried and no longer feel safe. These conversations are sometimes difficult, and sometimes the differences seem unbridgeable. But these discussions have to be had, otherwise we won't be able to reach any sort of agreement. Peacefully establishing that you cannot agree with each other is also a step in the right direction.'

Did these conversations start too late?

Verbeek: 'I have been asking myself that question constantly lately. If someone does not feel heard at the UvA, then - unintentionally - they have not been listened to enough, even though there were many discussions at an earlier stage, initially about whether the UvA should speak out and then about whether we should stop our collaborations in Israel. In any case, from now on it is especially important that we reconnect with each other. Even if we disagree with each other, we must respect each other's position. Together we must do everything we can to prevent things from going off the rails. Escalation doesn't get us any further, but conversation does.'

The UvA has around 44,000 students and almost 7,000 employees - how do you involve them in the conversation?

Verbeek: ‘'What has happened in recent months affects the entire university. I want everyone to at least have the opportunity to express feelings and opinions. We are holding conversations throughout the university: with representatives of activists, with students and employees who feel unsafe because of their identity or experience, with people who would like the space not to speak out and want to focus on their education or research. I would like to emphasise that everyone can participate in UvA-wide dialogue sessions on campus. The Central Diversity Office is organising a number of dialogue sessions and HR will provide support - including through independent discussion leaders - if there are initiatives for dialogue within the faculties.'

Fischer: 'Many colleagues are already working hard to keep the conversation going: department chairs, programme group leaders, study associations, confidential counselors and study advisors, and, of course, there have also been numerous conversations between teachers and students. The Teaching & Learning Centre has been providing assistance to teachers, the CDO has their virtual walk-in consultation hour, and there is also external help: every UvA employee or student can contact Slachtofferhulp, if necessary. We continue to look at how we can supplement these initiatives.'

What will happen after the summer?

Verbeek: 'It is clear that maintaining the strong connections between different groups of staff and students requires everyone’s attention in the long term. Everything currently under discussion will help with that, but there is more to discuss than just the ethical framework. We will take stock of the situation after the summer.'

Information for students

Information for staff

Further information

  • On the website Towards a sustainable dialogue you can request a listening session guided by an external moderator.
  • Check the student website to register for the next CDO dialogue session.
  • Visit for more information about the process leading to an improved framework for ethical issues surrounding collaborations. Information will be added as soon as possible.
  • Visit for help for teachers on having conversations on polarising topics.