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The Molecular and Material Design Technology Hub aims to accelerate the discovery of materials and molecules critical to solving major societal challenges, by implementing and developing new technologies across disciplines.


The ambition of the Molecular and Material Design Technology Hub (MMD TechHub) is to deploy and strengthen technology-driven accelerations in the discovery process, delivering technological solutions in both the Health and Green research themes of the faculty, and addressing the Sustainable Development Goals and the objectives of the EU GreenDeal.  

By establishing the MMD TechHub, we combine our long-standing expertise in chemistry, physics and the life sciences with our strengths in AI and computational, data, and quantum information sciences. Such unique combination of expertise represents a strong interdisciplinary research ecosystem that offers great potential for highly disruptive science and technology.  

MMD TechHub explainer
What is the MMD TechHub? Made by Peter van Tienderen, dean of the Faculty of Science.


A team existing of the scientific director (Prof. dr. Alfons Hoekstra), a business developer (Abeer Hossain), and a programme manager (Wendela van Asbeck) are responsible for the daily operations in the MMD TechHub. Interested in collaborating? Contact us at

Prof. dr. ir. A.G. (Alfons) Hoekstra

Scientific director MMD TechHub

A.H. (Abeer) Hossain PhD

Impact developer MMD TechHub

Drs. W. (Wendela) van Asbeck

Programme manager MMD TechHub

Become an MMD TechHub fellow

The MMD TechHub fellows form the core of the MMD TechHub. MMD TechHub fellows are all those scientists and technicians within the Faculty of Science that are linked up to MMD TechHub projects, as well as scientists and technicians that work on MMD related topics and would like to be involved as MMD TechHub fellow.