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The Humanities Venture Lab offers a platform for education about entrepreneurship and is aimed at staff, PhD students, students and alumni. Central to the Lab are the concepts of inspiration, innovation and impact.

About the Humanities Venture Lab

Do you have a creative idea and are you keen on transforming it into a successful business? The Humanities Venture Lab offers a lively collaborative space that gives you room to develop your ideas and exchange them with your peers. In addition, the Lab functions as a platform for education about entrepreneurship. As such, the impact of Humanities research is increased and students enjoy additional career advancement options.


HVL - introduction - English (subs)


Humanities Venture Lab is always on the lookout for enterprising students, alumni and staff with a background in Humanities at the UvA. If you have a great (business) idea or are looking to use your knowledge to directly create impact, please contact us: