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Developments in the field of AI move extremely fast, which is why the UvA regularly reviews its AI policy. We are interested in the potential of AI programs in the fields of education and research. In the development of our AI policy, the current focus is on the role of AI in education.

AI in reseach

In developing our policy, the focus is currently on AI in education. When a policy for AI in research has been developed, we will post it on this page. Are you a UvA researcher? Please check with your research institute to see if any policies apply to AI research.

AI in education

The UvA's AI policy for education (in Dutch) includes action plans for the short, medium and long term. 

Short term: Supporting lecturers and knowledge sharing

While some lecturers are enthusiastic about the potential opportunities offered by AI, for others AI is a cause for concern. For a large group of lecturers, the sudden emergence of ChatGPT has created extra work, mainly because they have had to adjust their assessments to prevent fraud. Accordingly, in the short term, the UvA policy should focus on supporting degree programmes in general and lecturers in particular in dealing with AI in their teaching and assessment.

Tips for lecturers on dealing with AI in education

Medium term: Future-proof education

For all education offered by the UvA, it will be necessary to assess whether programmes’ exit qualifications are still appropriate for this new reality. Do the current exit qualifications still allow us to prepare people for the current and future labour market? Or do they need to be refined? An important question that will play a role here is: what are the skills we want students to have when they leave university?

Long term – Anticipating the future

Although the precise outlook is still uncertain, it is clear that the impact of AI on education will be huge and ongoing. To gain better insight, we've partnered with VU Amsterdam to establish an AI task force.

Learn more about the task force