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The task force advises the Executive Boards of both institutions on the use of AI in education. It does this in accordance with the principles of the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity. The task force advises on the challenges, as well as the new opportunities that artificial intelligence offers education.

What does the task for do?

The task force:  

  • Highlights recent developments;
  • Advises on the adjustment and tightening up of policies;
  • Provides a set of criteria that software must meet in order to ensure academic integrity.

The task force has produced three recommendations on the use of AI in education.

Task force principles
  • Transparent to the outside world

    Policies and positions are communicated regularly, clearly and in good time.

  • Transparent policies for the organisation

    Policies are not static, because developments in AI move extremely quickly. Policies and positions move with these developments.

  • Transparent about expectations

    The UvA and VU draw up clear rules and guidelines on how students may use AI during teaching and assessment. We expect students to be transparent about how they have applied generative AI in their own learning and work. Rules and guidelines are designed to encourage this transparency.

  • Transparency of software vendors

    The UvA and the VU continue to stress the importance of transparency. We apply pressure to get software vendors to provide greater transparency. The starting point is a set of criteria, delivered by the task force, that software must meet in order to ensure academic integrity. In addition, the carbon footprint of building and using the models should be made explicit.

Composition of the task force

Participants from the UvA include:

Participants from the VU include: