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Prof. dr. P.J. (Paul) Lucassen

Full Professor

Dr. A. (Aniko) Korosi

Associate Professor

Dr. H.J. (Harm) Krugers

Associate Professor

Dr. C.P. (Carlos) Fitzsimons

Associate Professor

Dr. J.D. (Joram) Mul

Assistant Professor

Dr. R. (Rixt) van der Veen

Assistant Professor

Prof. dr. I. (Inge) Huitinga

Professor by special appointment: Neuroimmunology

Dr. R.B. (Rob) de Heus

Head of the AFS

M. (Melis) Bayer-Var


A. (Anna) Sancho Balsells


E.M. (Lisa) Bouwman MSc

PhD candidate

L.P. (Lotte) Brinkhof MSc

PhD candidate

M.H. (Marene) Hardonk MSc

PhD candidate

E.E. (Emmy) Hoeksema MSc

PhD candidate

X. (Xiaoyi) Feng

PhD candidate

M. (Maria) Carrigan MSc

PhD candidate

O. (Oliver) Polzer

PhD candidate

N.S. (Niek) Renckens MSc

PhD candidate

J. (Jeniffer) Sanguino Gómez

PhD candidate

N.K.M. (Natalia) Schilder MSc

PhD candidate

T.D. (Tamara) Versluis MSc

PhD candidate

Drs. A.H. (Anneke) Vuuregge MSc

PhD candidate