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Picture of all CSN group members
Group photo Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience (click on image to enlarge)
Prof. dr. C.M.A. (Cyriel) Pennartz

Full Professor

Dr. U. (Umberto) Olcese

Associate Professor

Dr. C.A. (Conrado) Bosman Vittini

Assistant Professor

Dr. J.C. (Jolien) Francken

Assistant professor

Dr. J.W. (Jan Willem) de Gee

Assistant professor

Dr. J.F. (Jorge) Mejias

Assistant Professor

Dr. M. (Mototaka) Suzuki

Assistant professor

R. (Reinder) Dorman MSc

Project Manager

G.J. (Gerjan) Huis in 't Veld BSc


Dr. K. (Kengo) Takahashi


S.P. (Parva) Alavian

PhD candidate

Mr. M.J. (Mathis) Baßler MSc

PhD candidate

M.M. (Matthias) Brucklacher

PhD candidate

Ir. E.B. (Eric) Dijkema

PhD candidate

S.C. (Sabine) Gnodde

PhD candidate

M. (Medina) Husić

PhD candidate

L.M.F. (Lianne) Klaver MSc

PhD candidate

S.T. (Sietse) Kiewiet MSc

PhD candidate

K. (Kwangjun) Lee

PhD candidate

J. (Judith) Lim MSc

PhD candidate

G. (Giulia) Moreni

PhD candidate