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There are many aspects to consider when organizing a conference or event, both in advance and on the day itself. Here, you can see which aspects are involved and what we can do for you in this regard.

Project management

Together with you as the client, we form a project team where we jointly establish priorities and then allocate tasks, from scheduling to catering. We take the lead, offer suggestions, and assume responsibility, all in accordance with your requirements and preferences.

Financial planning and budgeting

Effective budgeting and cost control are the foundation of a successful event. How much money is available, and how do you stay within the budget? We create a conference budget, negotiate contracts with suppliers, and pay them with the collected participant fees. We closely monitor and maintain communication with you, as the client, because you naturally hold the financial ultimate responsibility.

Sponsoring and subsidies

To bring a conference to fruition, external financial support is sometimes necessary. We assist in creating sponsorship packages, setting up a sponsor marketplace, and collecting funds.

Event Design

Together with you and the project team, we gather to shape the Event Design. This method involves collecting the interests of all stakeholders. This collection of interests serves as the foundation for the final event concept. In a well-designed gathering, thought is given to who will attend and why they are coming. And when you know your objective, we start thinking about the best way to achieve that goal. This way, we aim to achieve the best possible outcome for your conference.

Online and hybrid events

The demand for online events is growing. If you prefer to organise part of your event online and part of it on location, we are happy to discuss the possibilities with you.


The choice of a suitable venue is crucial for the overall appearance of the conference. Have you already checked our portfolio for our various locations? We have extensive knowledge of suitable venues in and around Amsterdam, both on various UvA campuses and external ones. This enables us to offer sound advice on the perfect location that aligns with your event's target audience and objectives. We also take care of catering, audiovisual support, and room decoration.


A good turnout is essential for the success of the conference. Our press officers and communications professionals from the communication department of the UvA know how to reach the right target audience and which means to use. We can connect you with them. As part of this department, we are familiar with the culture and style of the UvA  and can ensure your event ties in with these. We can also assist you with the development and design of a website or app.


Using an online tool integrated into the participant registration, we ensure that the entire process, from the call for abstracts to the evaluation by reviewers and acceptance, proceeds in an organised and efficient way.

Participants and registation

We take care of participant admin (Information, confirmations, collecting fees) and design a webpage where participants can register online, including payment options (iDEAL, PayPal, and credit card). We handle the issuance of visa letters, send participant certificates, and arrange name badges.


We like to take good care of your guests and can provide high-quality catering for every budget. We have worked with a diverse range of suppliers to cater receptions, breaks, lunches and dinners. We also like to challenge our in-house caterer, Cirfood, to come up with a great catering proposal for our guests.

Social programme

Networking moments are crucial at a conference. Various variations are possible, including excursions, receptions, and dinners. We are happy to brainstorm creative options with you.

During the event

We handle the coordination of the entire programme on the day itself. We receive and assist the speakers, sponsors, and participants. This allows you to focus entirely on interacting with the speakers, participants, and the content of the programme. And when unexpected issues and unforeseen situations crop up we are on hand to deal with them effectively.

Aïda Paalman-de Miranda Symposium 2022