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The UvA has two departments that can help you organise and prepare conferences and events. On this page you can read about the different services they provide.

Hiring event managers:

Conferences & Events department, Communications Bureau

If you are organising a conference at the UvA or at an external location and you need expertise and/or manpower, the experienced event managers of the Communications Bureau can help you out.

Together you will form a project team with which you will design, plan and carry out the event. Here are some of the aspects they can help you with:

  • Advising on how to set up the event
  • Booking locations and suppliers
  • Planning, event scheduling and budgetting
  • Organising a social programme
  • Participant registration and abstract handling
  • Putting together sponsor packages

Hiring facility support:

Event Coordination department, Facility Services

The event coordination department can provide services when you are organising an event at an UvA location yourself, such as a symposium or lecture, and information or career event, farewell drinks or a graduation ceremony. You can contact them to organise services such as:

  • Additional cleaning after an event
  • Additional security in the event of a special guest speaker
  • Extended opening hours
  • Audiovisual services
  • Rental of additional furniture

The facility events coordinators can advise you and organise the required services for you.