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In addition in organizing a physical event, you can also opt for an online or hybrid event. An online event takes place entirely online. A hybrid event is a combination of an online and physical event. With a hybrid event, the online part of the event has to be more than just a live video stream. There must be interaction. This interaction must be there to keep the external participants engaged. It is good to look at your event and what goal you want to achieve. Maybe an onine or hybride form is more suitable for your event.
  • What are the benefits of your online event?
    1. You can reach a large audience
      At a physical event, your guests need to make time to attend. Think of guests from abroad, travel time within the Netherlands etc. With an online event, the possibility to attend is much easier and with one click they are present at your event. In addition, you can record the event so that guests who were in doubt or unable to attend can watch your event again at a later date.
    2. An online event is often cheaper.
      If you organise your event online, you may incur fewer costs. Think of the lower catering costs. An online event is not always the best format for every objective, but if it is possible it is certainly worth considering. But do not skimp on your audiovisual facilities, as they are indispensable to the viewer's experience. 
    3. A virtual event is sustainable. 
      If you organize your event online, people don't have to travel by car or plane. In this way, you and your guests do your bit for the environment. 

To help you get started with online and hybrid events, we have collected information so that you can quickly continue with the organization.

  • Online software

    Which software is best for your online event?

    This depends on what you plan to do during the event and what functionalities you need for it. For an online event, different software is possible.


    Teams are used a lot. Think for example of online lessons. This software has many options and is extremely suitable for an event. 

    Below, Youtube videos explaining how to organize an event on Teams. 

    How to organise a live event with Teams
    Other advices for a Teams event


    Besides Teams, Zoom is also used a lot. Below two YouTube video's with explanation about events with Zoom:


    There is more software available for online events such as YouTube or social media channels, but to keep it simple we recommend the above software. However, look at what your event needs and then choose the software.

  • Platform

    There is also an option to purchase your own platform. Here you can arrange everything according to your wishes and needs. There are several external companies that offer platforms, such as: Momice, Events factory, Lets get digital and you can find many more via Google.

Contact  Event coordination (facility support)

Would you like to organize an event, or do you need support or advice? Please contact Event coordination (facility support) and send an email to events-fs@uva.nl. 

Contact Service Desk Facility Services (FS)

T: 020 525 1403
E: servicedesk-fs@uva.nl

Facility services forms

Access all the forms you need to report malfunctions, submit and keep track of reports: www.uva.nl/fs-notifications (new window).