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The Moving Matters research programme focuses on the social consequences of the mobility of people, goods, power, and ideas. It examines migrating people, moving commodities, and the shifting networks of solidarity, remittances, knowledge, and power.
Moving Matters

The group explores themes such as illegal but licit flows, the effects of remittances on migrants' regions of origin, and the transnational circulation of racial knowledge. One example is the study of deportation regimes and their impact on state-citizen relations. Another is the investigation of commodity chains and their role in unequal development schemes.

The goal of Moving Matters is to explain the intricate social consequences of mobility and to contribute to a deeper understanding of how mobility and immobility are mediated by changing political power relations, especially focusing on the Global South. The programme emphasizes qualitative methods, particularly ethnography, and aims to broaden social science theorizing beyond European and North American perspectives.

Our projects

Programme group leaders

Dr. S. (Shanshan) Lan

Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen

Programmagroep: Moving Matters: People, Goods, Power and Ideas

Research staff