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Leadership & Management
This section covers research areas as leadership, organisational behaviour, HRM. In 2020, it started the Amsterdam People Analytic Center to facilitate partnerships between industry and academia in this area.
The Leadership & Management section is home to a group of 30 researchers, including PhD candidates and affiliated faculty. We often welcome visitors from other universities and business schools to our staff.
The members of this group publish on a wide range of topics including ethical and charismatic leadership in organisations, HR analytics, stereotypes, and the role of time, motivation and emotions.
Teaching includes basic courses on organisational behaviour, research methods, and HRM, as well as advanced courses on leadership, managing people strategically, performance management, cross-cultural, change management and people analytics. We teach in Bachelor's and Master's programmes, Executive Master's programmes, pre-Master's programmes, and in MBA programmes.
Our objectives for the coming years include further improving and expanding our research and publications, strengthening our international ties and continually improving our teaching in the various programmes of the Amsterdam Business School.
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