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Why study the Research Master's in Communication Science at the UvA?

Academic and professional specialisation

Choose between an academic or professional specialisation in the third semester, to match your interests.

Engage with renowned scholars

Who are they?
Your lecturers are world-class scholars affiliated with the ASCoR institute: Amsterdam School of Communication Research.

Gain practical experience through an internship

Undertake an internship at a company or organisation of your choosing (professional track) or join cutting-edge projects in a research internship (academic track).

Cutting-edge methodologies

Learn more
Work alongside excellent lecturers and master advanced analytical and methodological techniques to understand the digital world around us.

Specialised mentoring programme

Benefit from a mentoring programme designed to support your well-being and personal development, offering guidance on navigating challenges.

Is the Research Master's in Communication Science right for you? 

Yes, if you:

  • Want to develop your research skills to use in academia or professional settings.
  • Aspire to gain hands-on research experience in the academic or professional field through an internship.
  • Consider pursuing a PhD after your graduation or seeking a career where research skills are a core competency.
  • Desire to extend your Master’s experience, delve deeper into the field of Communication Science, and explore your own research questions.
  • Want to immerse yourself in a challenging academic environment and learn from scholars who are leading the global dialogue in Communication Science.
  • Want to become part of a network of highly motivated students with a strong interest in the digital environment.
Student with black shirt smiling at camera
Copyright: Sara-Jane van der Vegt
With the Research Master’s so many opportunities open up, from a career in academia to jobs in research and analysis for NGOs or in the private sector. Read more about the experiences from current students
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  • Student experiences
  • Example of a weekly schedule
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Facts & Figures
Degree programme
Communication Science (research)
Regular study programme
120 ECTS, 24 months
Language of instruction
Starts in
RIO code
Roeterseiland campus