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The premaster programme starts each semester. The premaster Medical informatics consists of 15 topics with a total of 30 ECTS.

The premaster programme starts each semester, i.e. you can start the premaster in September or in February. The full premaster programme has a duration of one full semester. For this premaster you have to be in The Netherlands as there is in person teaching and the exams are done in person at Amsterdam UMC, location AMC. For students who need a visa, a study visa can be granted for the pre-master program.

Study programme

Name of topic 

Number of credits (EC)
Topic 1. Mathematics and Logic  2.5
Topic 2. Artificial Intelligence 1.5
Topic 3. Computer Science 1.5
Topic 4. Medical Record-Keeping and Terminology Systems 2.0
Topic 5. Information in Medical Images 2.0
Topic 6. Basics of Medicine 6.0
Topic 7. Biostatistics 1.5
Topic 8. The Medical Process and Medical Decision-Making 2.0
Topic 9. Organisation of Healthcare 2.0
Topic 10. Health Information Systems: Architectures and Strategy 1.5
Topic 11. eHealth UX Research  1.5
Topic 12. Database Systems  1.5
Topic 13. Academic Skills 0.5
Topic 14. Programming in Python 3.5
Topic 15. R  0.5

Combination of in person teaching and self-study

The premaster Medical informatics is a combination of in person teaching at Amsterdam UMC, location AMC and self-study at home. For each topic there will be a limited amount of contact hours at the university to introduce the topic, work on the contents of the topic, and ask questions to the instructors of the topics. Most of the expected study hours will be self-study.


Each topic is finished with an exam that you do at the Amsterdam UMC, location AMC at a set time in the schedule.