The Master's programme Theatre Studies comprises 60 ECTS credits: 30 credits for core courses; 12 credits for electives; and 18 credits for a Master's thesis.
Students should pick two of the following courses: 'Spectatorship and Education: Researching Audiences', 'Performance and the Planetary', 'Decolonizing the Archives in the Arts'.
A graduate degree in Theatre Studies offers you the opportunity to specialise in theatre and performance with an emphasis on research, including historical aspects, criticism and analysis. No matter what your chosen professional direction is, graduates of the Theatre Studies programme become passionate and articulate advocates of the arts.Dr Sruti Bala
The programme is also offered in part-time study mode at the UvA, in which case it takes two years. You can obtain a maximum of 30 ECTS per year (15-20 ECTS per semester). As a part-time student you will follow the programme together with full-time students. You will prepare your study plan for the part-time programme in consultation with this Master’s programme coordinator.
Students who show exceptional promise during a regular or professional programme are encouraged to continue their studies in a research programme. Once students are admitted to the research programme, they can transfer credits earned during their previous course of study towards their Research Master's degree. The Examinations Board determines which courses qualify for transfer.