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The Master’s programme includes a set of core courses (12 ECTS) and a number of elective courses. The core courses and the selected elective courses lead to a specific, coherent area of specialisation. The programme offers three areas of specialisation: 1) Esotericism and Spirituality in Western Culture; 2) Religion and Spirituality in Contemporary Societies; and 3) Islam: Religion and Spirituality.

Programme structure

The Master's programme in Spirituality and religion comprises 60 ECTS credits.

  • Spirituality and Religion: Theories, Concepts, and Methods
    Period 1
  • Spirituality and Religion: Lived Practices
    Period 3
  • Electives within an area of specialisation
    Period 1
    Period 2
    Period 3
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6
  • Master's Thesis Religious Studies
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6
Compulsory course
UvA Course Catalogue: Spirituality and Religion
Copyright: UvA FGw
We cannot understand transformations of society and culture without having a clear grasp of the fascinating relationship between spirituality and religion. Like two opposing forces they have shaped history and continue to play a major role today. No other tension has inspired human creativity over the centuries in the same way. Dr Marco Pasi

Studying full-time or part-time

You can study the Master’s in Spirituality and Religion on a part-time basis. This option allows you to follow a maximum of 30 EC per year (12-18 EC per semester). The courses are spread over two years. As a part-time student, you take the regular courses alongside the full-time students.  Please consult the programme coordinator for an individual academic plan.

Credit transfer

Students who show exceptional promise during a regular or professional programme are encouraged to continue their studies in the two-year Research Master's programme Religious Studies. Once students are admitted to the research programme, they can transfer credits earned during their previous course of study towards their Research Master's degree. The Examinations Board determines which courses qualify for transfer.