Apart from the core courses, you select a number of electives based on the following areas of specialisation:
Esotericism and Spirituality in Western Culture
In the elective courses for this area of specialisation, you will receive a comprehensive historical overview from Antiquity, through the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period, up until the present day. You will learn about the most important currents, movements and authors in the history of Western esotericism, from neo-Platonism and Hermetism to contemporary Paganism, Occulture, and the New Age; from ancient Gnostic sects to modern Theosophy and contemporary initiatory groups; from Plotinus to Rudolf Steiner and Aleister Crowley. This area of specialisation is based on the unique expertise in the field of Western esotericism of the Centre for the History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents (HHP), the world-leading institute in the field.
You will follow courses offered by the HHP Centre. You will also have access to extraordinary resources such as the collections of the University Library (eg, the Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana and the state-owned part of the Ritman collection), the Embassy of the Free Mind (formerly known as Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica, or Ritman Library), and the library of the Theosophical Society in the Netherlands.
Religion and Spirituality in Contemporary Societies
In this area of specialisation, you will focus on the role of religion and spirituality in our rapidly evolving societies. We pay particular attention to religious practices and experiences (“Lived Religion”) and to the interactions between the religious and the secular through the lens of spirituality. How do religious people construct and experience religion and which actions result from it? How do they organise themselves and how do they become public? How do they operate in secular societies?
This specialisation focuses not only on spirituality in the Abrahamic religions, but also on Eastern religions in the West, religions of immigrants, new religions and aspects of non-religion.
Islam: Religion and Spirituality
In this specialisation you will investigate the historical and contemporary forms of interplay between religion and spirituality in Islam. A major focus of this specialisation lies on the transformations Islam has gone through in the modern and contemporary globalised world, with significant attention being given to spiritual movements and groups that have been part of the complex phenomena of Sufism and Islamic mysticism. Attention is also devoted to gender and legal aspects of Islam from an anthropological perspective and to the development of contemporary forms of lived religion in urban contexts where Islam is a majority religion.