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Testimonial  Nanon Wollenhaupt

1. Introduction: Photo, age, previous education

•    Age: 26 
•    Previous education: Bachelor’s in Psychology in Groningen (with focus on Social Psychology)

2. Why did you choose this Master’s track?
I chose this Master’s track due to its unique focus on behavioral change courses, as I wanted to work in the Behavioral Science field. 

3. Why at the UvA?
I really enjoyed my experience studying at a Dutch university in Groningen, which inspired me to continue my education in the Netherlands. Within the EU I felt like the Social Influence track at the UVA was the best fit for training me to become a Behavioral Scientist without exclusively focusing on the Behavioral Health Change sector. 

4. What advice would you give yourself if you were still doing this Master's?
I would definitely recommend to already have a look on the job market during your Master’s to get a sense of what interests you, as well as what is high in demand. This way you can specialize within a field that suits you and know what skills are expected for your aspired position. Behavioral Science is a broad discipline, so narrowing down your interests early can help you gain expertise in a specific niche.

If you speak or understand Dutch and are interested in Behavioral Science, I would highly recommend to attend the Dag van het Gedrag (Day of Behavior). It takes place every November in the Netherlands and students get discounted tickets for around 25 euros. It is a great opportunity to gain insights into how Behavioral Science is already being applied in the work sector and is a valuable platform for networking.