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Why choose Social Influence at UvA?


engage in active learning, with a student-centered approach

In-depth exploration

of both commercial and non-commercial forms of behavioural influence

Analyse case studies

to develop practical skills in behavioural analysis

Evidence-based approach

apply scientific knowledge and methods to develop effective interventions

Is Social Influence right for you?

Yes, if you are interested in:

  • The social psychology that drives human behaviour
  • Understanding the principles of social influence
  • Developing evidence-based interventions for societal problems, creating marketing strategies, doing applied research or solving other human behaviour challenges
  • Working on applied questions together with other students
  • Pursuing a non-academic career in government, NGO, or a commercial organization

Discover the Master’s programme & tracks

The Social Psychology programme group offers specialisations in three tracks. Social Influence is one of them.

The other tracks are:

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  • Student experiences
  • Example of a weekly schedule
  • Directly sent to your mailbox
Facts & Figures
Degree programme
MSc Psychologie
60 ECTS, 12 months
Language of instruction
Starts in
RIO code
Roeterseiland campus