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On this page you will find an explanation for each track-specific requirement, an answer to the question as to which previous education you satisfy, and which subjects you can take if you do not yet meet this requirement.

In order to apply for the Master's track Social Influence, you should meet the following track-specific requirements in addition to the basic requirements:

  1. ≥ 5 EC Comprehensive courses on the Social Psychology of (at least) the following topics: (Inter-) group processes, Attitudes, Motivation, and Social Cognition, on bachelor level 1/2/3
  2. ≥ 5 EC Advanced courses on Social Psychology, in-depth theoretical treatment of the Social Psychology of (at least) one of the topics named above, on bachelor level 2/3.
  3. ≥ 5 EC Advanced courses on Social Psychology in any (theoretical or applied) topic on bachelor level 2/3.

The levels refer to UvA bachelor years:

  • Level 1: comparable to UvA bachelor year 1, basic, introductory courses in the field.
  • Level 2: comparable to UvA bachelor year 2, comprehensive, intermediate courses.
  • Level 3: comparable to UvA bachelor year 3, advanced, more specialized courses.

Level 3 of the UvA bachelor refers to level 6 of the European Qualifications Framework

  • ≥ 5 EC Comprehensive courses on the Social Psychology of (at least) the following topics: (Inter-) group processes, Attitudes, Motivation, and Social Cognition, on bachelor level 1/2/3

    More information about this track-specific requirement

    Students should have comprehensive basic knowledge (at least first year level, at least ≥5 EC) covering all the subfields of social psychology that form the basis of the Social Influence master. These subfields are social perception (e.g. attribution, self-perception, stereotyping and social identity), social influence (e.g. attitude and attitude change, group dynamics, normative influence) and social relationships (e.g. attraction, aggression and intergroup conflict, helping and pro-social behavior). This comprehensive basic knowledge includes the cognitive and motivational processes studied in these subfields (e.g. automaticity, accessibility, dual process models, accuracy vs connectedness motivation).

    With which pre-education do you fulfil this track-specific requirement?

    If you have successfully completed, or will complete one of the bachelor’s programmes stated below before 31 August, you will meet this track-specific requirement:

    • Bachelor in Psychology at any university in The Netherlands that includes either a dedicated "Social Psychology" course, or a shared “Social & Work and Organizational Psychology” course.
    • The “UvA Kwalificatieprogramma” within the bachelor of Applied Psychology at Hogeschool van Amsterdam with specialisation Social Psychology
    • UvA Bachelor Interdisciplinary Social Sciences with a minor in Social Influence
    • UvA bachelor PPLE with a major in Social Psychology

    If you have a different previous education, please show in your application how you meet this requirement. You can do this by referring to one or more courses that you have obtained in the area of this requirement and by enclosing the course catalogue description of these subjects with your application.

    What if you do not meet this track-specific requirement?

    If you do not meet this requirement with your prior education, it is possible to do UvA one of the following courses:

    • Social Psychology (6 EC): Please note: we offer the course in social psychology as a combination course, together with a course on work and organizational psychology, but for students who only want to do the social psychology part of it, it is also possible to follow this part separately.

    Please note: by taking this course, you meet this requirement. However, eligibility for a premaster's programme depends on which and how many deficiencies you would have to solve altogether. More information about the attainment of courses to meet the admission requirements for the selection can be found under the information about premaster programmes.

  • ≥ 5 EC Advanced courses on Social Psychology, in-depth theoretical treatment of the Social Psychology of (at least) one of the topics named above, on bachelor level 2/3

    More information about this track-specific requirement

    We expect you to have advanced, in-depth theoretical knowledge at level 2/3 (comparable to UvA bachelor year 2/3, advanced, more specialized courses, that typically focus on one specific subfield of Social Psychology) of one or more of the subfields of social psychology that are central to the Social Influence master: (Inter-) group processes, Attitudes, Motivation, or Social Cognition.

    With which pre-education do you fulfil this track-specific requirement?

    If you have successfully completed, or will complete one of the bachelor’s programmes stated below before 31 August, you will meet this track-specific requirement:

    • UvA Bachelor in Psychology with specialisation Social Psychology
    • The “UvA Kwalificatieprogramma” within the bachelor of Applied Psychology at Hogeschool van Amsterdam with specialisation Social Psychology
    • UvA Bachelor Interdisciplinary Social Sciences with a minor in Social Influence
    • UvA bachelor PPLE with a major in Social Psychology

    If you have passed one of the UvA courses listed below, you also meet this track-specific requirement:

    If you have a different previous education, please show in your application how you meet this requirement. You can do this by referring to one or more courses that you have obtained in the area of this requirement and by enclosing the course catalogue description of these subjects with your application.

    What if you do not meet this track-specific requirement?

    If you do not meet this requirement with your prior education, it is possible to do the following courses:

  • ≥ 5 EC Advanced courses on Social Psychology in any (theoretical or applied) topic on bachelor level 2/3

    More information about this track-specific requirement

    We expect you to have advanced knowledge at level 2/3 (comparable to UvA bachelor year 2/3, advanced, more specialised courses) of another subfield of Social Psychology. This can be one of the subfields mentioned under the second requirement, but can also be a course on another subfield of social psychology (e.g., emotions, prosocial behavior, close relationships, cultural psychology).

    With which pre-education do you fulfil this track-specific requirement?

    If you have successfully completed, or will complete one of the bachelor’s programmes stated below before 31 August, you will meet this track-specific requirement:

    • UvA Bachelor in Psychology with specialisation Social Psychology
    • The “UvA Kwalificatieprogramma” within the bachelor of Applied Psychology at Hogeschool van Amsterdam with specialisation Social Psychology
    • UvA Bachelor Interdisciplinary Social Sciences with a minor in Social Influence
    • UvA bachelor PPLE with a major in Social Psychology

    If you have a different previous education, please show in your application how you meet this requirement. You can do this by referring to one or more courses that you have obtained in the area of this requirement and by enclosing the course catalogue description of these subjects with your application.

    What if you do not meet this track-specific requirement?

    If you do not meet this requirement with your prior education, it is possible to do one of the following courses at the UvA:

  • Other documents

    In MyInfo, our online application system, you will be asked to upload certain documents, including your academic transcripts, grading scheme, copies of your academic diplomas, cv, English language proficiency test score and course descriptions from the course catalogue provided by your university. 

  • Proof of Qualification

    In order to demonstrate your knowledge of the basic and track-specific requirements, you need to fill out and upload your proofs of qualification (PoQ) for both the basic and the track-specific requirements. Refer to section 2: Entry requirements and list your corresponding courses in the PoQ templates.