More information about this track-specific requirement
Organisational psychology is the area of work and organisational psychology that focuses on the organizational structure and the ways in which people in the organisation.You should have advanced knowledge (level 2/3: comparable to UvA bachelor year 2/3, advanced, more specialised courses) about leadership in organizations and how their personality, needs, values and leadership style impact the way they interact with followers and other stakeholders of an organizations, which at the same time provides a model for the behaviour of those followers and other stakeholders. Students should also have advanced knowledge about how an organizational culture and structure determines the way in which people in an organization interact with each other and with the ‘outside world’, and influences the actions as well as the well-being of the employees of an organization.
You should have advanced knowledge (level 2/3: comparable to UvA bachelor year 2/3, advanced, more specialised courses) about the theoretical frameworks on team processes and functioning, specifically insight into the dynamics of teams in organizations, for example about how different team inputs can influence team processes and finally team performance and which and how contextual factors can influence this.
With which pre-education do you fulfill this track-specific requirement?
If you have successfully completed, or will complete one of the bachelor’s programmes stated below before 31 August, you will meet this track-specific requirement:
- UvA Bachelor in Psychology with specialisation Work & Organizational psychology*
- The “UvA Kwalificatieprogramma” within the bachelor of Applied Psychology at Hogeschool van Amsterdam with specialisation Work & Organizational psychology
- UvA Bachelor Interdisciplinary Social Sciences with a minor in Work & Organizational Psychology
* Please note: If you have done the UvA Bachelor in Psychology in 19-20 or before, you can fulfil this requirement with the course Leadership (6 EC) or the course Working in groups (6 EC), if you obtain the course in 20-21 or later you fulfil this requirement with the course Leadership and Organizational Culture (9) or the course Teams in Organizations (6EC).
If you have a different previous education, please show in your application how you meet this requirement. You can do this by referring to one or more courses that you have obtained in the area of this requirement and by enclosing the course catalogue description of these courses with your application.
What if you do not meet this track-specific requirement?
If you do not meet this requirement with your prior education, you can take the following course at the UvA: