In the first semester students have to take one core course in the field of Political Economy and the course Portfolio Political Science. Both courses combine a broad engagement with core questions of politics with in-depth study of a particular contemporary theme from a sub-disciplinary perspective. Students study in groups of four to five students. Subsequently students also choose two relevant electives from a list of electives (topics change every academic year).
In the second semester students select a research project (24 ECTS credits) on a topic relevant to the field of Political Economy.
The final Master's thesis is a report on primary or secondary research carried out by the student as part of the research project. The thesis should be between 10,000 and 16,000 words long.
The primary objective of this course is to provide students with the necessary knowledge and conceptual understandings in the field. Emphasising shared knowledge and conceptual depth, the course covers key concepts in political economy, the governance of the economy, and the interplay between global and local economic forces and political contestation. Students are expected to develop critical assessment skills, defend arguments, and present insights into Political Economy in academic English, fostering a comprehensive understanding of economic life, governance, and societal processes.