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Paying the tuition fee is an important step in completing your enrolment. Other costs to keep in mind when planning your university budget include housing, living expenses, and learning materials such as books, stationary and a laptop.

Tuition fees  

Before enrolling, check the tuition fee you will need to pay. How much you pay depends on your nationality, your programme, and — if you are required to pay the statutory tuition fees — whether you are studying full-time or part-time:

Check the tuition fee rates

Other Study Costs

In addition to tuition fees, you will incur expenses for books, excursions, a laptop, and other study materials. Also, take into account other costs, such as food, public transport, and accommodation if you plan to live in student housing.

More information about costs

Study costs

In addition to your tuition fees, you will need to include a number of other study costs in your budget, such as books and a laptop. These costs vary per programme but academic books and study materials will usually cost you between €20-50 per month.


Students are expected to bring their own laptop during the computer lab sessions. Please see the website for current students for up to date programme specific requirements regarding the device.  

Living costs

Keep in mind that living in Amsterdam also includes costs such as accommodation, food and public transport.


The Faculty of Science aims to attract talented students to its international classrooms. It offers several scholarship programmes designed to offer - both Dutch and international - motivated students the opportunity to pursue a Science degree at the University of Amsterdam.

Tuition fee payment

Your tuition fee needs to be credited to the UvA's bank account one day before your degree programme starts at the latest.