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Tuition fees for the Master’s in Latin American Studies differ from the regular UvA tuition fees. The tuition fees amount to a total of €3000 for the academic year 2025-2026 and are applicable to all students (independent of nationality). 

Please note: starting in the 2026-2027 academic year, the institution fee will apply to all students (independent of nationality). If you are going to do the pre-Master’s programme Latin American Studies in the academic year 2025-2026, please bear in mind that the institution fee will apply to your Master’s programme.

Students are responsible for the cost of purchasing textbooks and/or copying materials and the costs associated with their fieldwork in Latin America.

Depending on their personal status, students participating in the Master’s in Latin American Studies may be eligible for a student travel card (valid on public transport) and/or a loan from DUO. However, as the programme is a post-initial Master’s programme, different rules may apply regarding this eligibility than in the case of a regular Master’s programme. We recommend that students contact DUO to inform about the specifics.