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The Amsterdam Law School aims to attract talented students to its international classrooms. It offers several scholarship programmes designed to offer motivated students the opportunity to pursue an LLM degree at the University of Amsterdam.

Amsterdam Merit Scholarship (AMS) 

  • For: Outstanding students from outside the European Economic Area (EEA)
  • Amount: to be announced
  • Deadline: 15 January

Mr Julia Henriëtte  Jaarsma-Adolfs Fund Scholarship

  • For: Exceptionally talented and motivated students from within and outside the EEA who belong to the top 10% of their class
  • Amount: approximately € 25,000 for non-EU citizens and approximately € 12,000 for EU citizens

Scholarship FAQ

Other financial aid

In addition to the scholarships mentioned above, other forms of financial support for studying in the Netherlands are available to excellent students. In some cases, students may make use of the Dutch government’s system of student grants and loans ('studiefinanciering').