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English Literature and Culture (Literary Studies)
Study programme
The Master's English Literature and Culture is rooted in the analysis of literary texts, but also works at the forefront of interdisciplinary humanities scholarship. English Literature is understood in the broadest sense: a diverse and complex mode of expression that includes works from British, American, Commonwealth, and other postcolonial contexts.
The Master's in English Literature and Culture comprises 60 ECTS credits.
Our core course Critical Debates Literature and Culture is designed to provide you with a shared methodological toolset that will serve you throughout your degree – as well as expose you to some cutting-edge current research by our faculty. The other core courses will deepen your understanding of several important areas of English Literary Studies.
In your free electives you can either take further literary courses or venture into other humanities fields such as art history, cultural studies, etc.
If you want to do an internship that can be linked to your studies in some way and allows for academic reflection, you can do so instead of one 6 EC elective. For details, please follow this link.
Twice during your MA year, you are asked to attend our faculty guest lectures and contribute to our online discussion forum. These guest lectures also form a good opportunity to meet international researchers and socialize with your peers.
The Master's thesis reports on research carried out by the student under the supervision of an academic staff member involved in the programme. The subject of the thesis can be freely chosen but must be agreed upon with the academic adviser.
Copyright: FGw
Reading literature is the most effective way of living many lives rather than merely one, lives that may sometimes resemble but often radically differ from the one we call our own.
Dr Rudolph Glitz
Students who show exceptional promise during a regular or professional programme are encouraged to continue their studies in a research programme. Once students are admitted to the research programme, they can transfer credits earned during their previous course of study towards their Research Master's degree. The Examinations Board determines which courses qualify for transfer.
This programme is also offered in part-time study mode, in which case it takes 2 years. You can obtain a maximum of 30 ECTS per year (12-18 ECTS per semester). As a part-time student you will follow the programme together with full-time students. You will prepare your study plan for the part-time programme in consultation with the Master’s programme coordinator (See: Contact)
You are expected to have an awareness of basic theoretical notions that are used in the analysis of texts (e.g. concepts such as ‘metaphor’, ‘narrator’, ‘metre’, etc.).
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