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Find out how and where you can get the answers to your questions.
Ask your question online

Should you have any further questions about your application and admission to this master's programme? Or a general question about choosing a study, enrollment, study financing, living or studying in Amsterdam? Then ask them via the form below.

Telephone hours Admissions Office

Should you have any further questions about your application and admission, please contact the Admissions Office of the Graduate School of Humanities by phone on

  • Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 14:00–16:00 CET
  • Tel. +31 20 525 4481

Questions about the study programme

If you have any further questions about the study programme, please contact the programme coordinators:

Dr. Fernando van der Vlist and Dr. Paula Helm, cdai-fgw@uva.nl

Study association

Students in Media Studies at the UvA are active in the study association Off-Screen. The association organises parties and get-togethers, but also events in the field of media studies, such as theme evenings.
Visit the Off-Screen website


This programme's main location is BG1 on the Binnengasthuisterrein. This is right in the centre of the city, in the University Quarter where the new UvA library will soon open.

Explore your campus

Want to see where you will be studying? Explore the campus in our virtual map, or plan a visit and experience it yourself using the interactive app.