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Here's why you want to study Freshwater & Marine Biology in Amsterdam

Unique study programme

Attention for both freshwater and marine ecosystems and for scientific disciplines relevant to aquatic ecosystems

Topics investigated from different perspectives

Molecular studies, laboratory experiments, field investigations, development of mathematical models and more

World renowned affiliate research programmes

Laboratory and field work in close collaboration with these institutes

Freshwater & Marine Biology will suit you, if you...

  • Have a solid background in biology.
  • Are eager to expand your knowledge and skills in freshwater or marine ecosystems.
  • Want to learn to address issues of global interest.
  • Are looking for the freedom to compile your own programme.
  • Want the advantages of a small-scale programme, where students and staff all know each other and you have the opportunity to become part of the national and international research network of the staff. 

Discover your programm

The Master's programme in Biological Sciences at the UvA offers 1 general track and specialisations in 4 tracks. Freshwater & Marine Biology is one of them. The other tracks are:

Facts & Figures
Degree programme
MSc Biological Sciences
Regular study programme
120 ECTS, 24 months
Language of instruction
Starts in
CROHO code
Science Park