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The Master’s programme comprises three semesters. In the first semester, you will focus on dramaturgical theories and methods, while in the second you will develop and reflect on your practical skills. The final semester is reserved for the Master's thesis and an internship and/or semester abroad.

Programme structure

This 18 months programme comprises 90 ECTS: 27 ECTS for track-specific units of study; 15 ECTS for electives; 30 ECTS for an on-the-job learning position; and 18 ECTS for the Master's thesis.

Research areas

Through applied study, the programme aims to pioneer research with the students in the following areas:

  • Cultural Translation and Theatrical Mediation
  • Cultural Policy, Curation and Management
  • Archiving the Performing Arts
  • Key Concepts and Methodologies in Theatre and Performance Studies
  • Art and Activism
  • Theatre and Globalisation
  • Seminar Dramaturgy
    Period 1
    Period 2
  • Restricted-choice electives: Master Seminar
    Period 1
    Period 2

    You can choose from 'Performance and the Planetary', 'Spectatorship and Education: Researching Audiences' and 'Decolonizing the Archives in the Arts'.

  • Winter school
    Period 3
  • Free-choice electives
    Period 1
    Period 2
    Period 3
  • Practical Project
    Period 5
  • Master's Internship International Dramaturgy
    Period 1
    Period 2
    Period 3
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6
  • Master's Thesis International Dramaturgy
    Period 1
    Period 2
    Period 3
Compulsory course
UvA Course Catalogue: International Dramaturgy
Copyright: Ricarda Franzen
This is the only academic education for dramaturgs in the Netherlands and is unique in its dialogue with an international network of academics and cultural professionals. You will benefit from our partnerships with leading universities and professional organisations in different cities within and outside Europe. Ricarda Franzen MA
  • Specialisation Dutch-language dramaturgy

    Within the Master's programme in International Dramaturgy there is a possibility to specialise in Dutch-language dramaturgy. If you opt for this specialisation, you can apply in Dutch. The practical exercises and guest classes given by dramaturges will be in Dutch, as well as your internship at a theatre institution in the Netherlands or Belgium. In your motivation letter you should explain why you would like to specialise in dramaturgy in the Dutch-speaking theatre field.

  • Core courses

    Each student must complete three core courses as part of the Master’s programme.

    • Key Concepts in Theatre and Performance Studies introduces you to a wide range of theories, debates and methodologies in theatre and performance studies, with an emphasis on thinking beyond national and genre boundaries.
    • The Seminar Dramaturgy revolves around relevant concepts and skills that serve as dramaturgical tools in the creative process.
    • Your conceptual knowledge will be tested in the applied environment of the Practical Project, which is based on dramaturgical research, implementation of a creative process and presentation of a final result.

    Project example: I've been here

    I’ve Been Here is a piece that was created by students of the Master’s programmes Theatre Studies and International Dramaturgy as a shared practical project. The piece features the voices of students who frequent the University Theatre in Amsterdam, focusing on their experiences of it. The participants were invited to share their memories of the performances, events, lectures, discussion, or anything else they had experienced within the walls of the theatre. Each person describes the space in a different way, yet they all touch upon the rich history of everything that has occurred over the lifetime of the theatre. In listening, you might be able to sense something of this history yourself from these reflections, and upon entering the theatre you are invited to continue filling the space with new memories, creating the history that is yet to come.

  • Electives

    You can tailor the programme to your own curiosities through a range of electives that cater to various topical and disciplinary interests.

    • In Archiving the Arts, you are provided with the latest theoretical, historical as well as practical knowledge on archiving; 
    • In Theatre and Globalisation, you are familiarised with topical questions concerning the relationship of theatre and performance to the contemporary global moment;
    • Spectatorship and Education: Researching Audiences focuses on field studies in spectatorship and theatre and education;
    • Music Theatre as a Laboratory examines music theatre in the context of modernity;
    • In Art and Activism, you are familiarised with the interrelations between performance, visual arts and activism.
  • Tutorial

    Tutorials offer you the opportunity to become intimately acquainted with specialist literature, research methods and current discussions in Theatre and Performance Studies. The exact content of a tutorial depends on your interests and study plan, as well as the expertise of the tutor.

  • Internships

    The internship is an integral component of the International Dramaturgy programme. You have the opportunity to do an internship at venues, both in the Netherlands and abroad. Below you will find a list of institutions and individuals that have worked with the programme in the recent past. Vacancies and cooperations change throughout the course of a year to ensure that practical research efforts and the granting of an appropriate number of workplaces are up to date.

    Students taking a dual Master's programme may in some cases be eligible for a reimbursement

    Students who do their exchange with one of our partner universities can arrange internships via our international collaborations. See the international partner universities (below on this page) for an overview of our international partnerships.

    Overview of internships

    Internship opportunities are subject to change. In the past, students have worked with:

    • Dutch National Opera & Ballet
    • Opera Forward Festival
    • Toneelgroep Amsterdam
    • Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam
    • Veem House of Performance
    • ICK Amsterdam
    • Dancing on the Edge
    • Podium Mozaik
    • Edit Kaldor
    • Nationale Toneel
    • Toneelgroep Oostpool
    • Frascati
    • Toneelschuur Haarlem
    • NT Gent
    • De Munt/ La Monnaie, Brussel
    • Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds
  • Exchange

    Cultural exchange on an academic as well as practical artistic level is a crucial component of the programme's curriculum. The Master's has partnerships with diverse universities inside and outside Europe to make this exchange possible. For an overview of the exchange opportunities, see the list 'partner universities' below on this page. 

  • Thesis

    The Master's thesis reports on research carried out under the supervision of an academic staff member involved in the programme. The subject of the thesis must be mutually agreed upon by the student and the academic adviser.

  • Partner universities

    Cultural exchange on an academic as well as practical artistic level is a crucial component of the programme's curriculum. The programme cooperates with diverse universities in- and outside of Europe to make this exchange possible. These cooperations ensure that the exchange is flexible, occurring in 3 to 6-month timeframes, and meets the individual needs and plans of our students. The resulting options concern both studying and doing your internship abroad. The following cooperation partners are currently involved in the programme:

Project Example: I've Been Here

This piece was created by students of the programmes Theatre Studies and International Dramaturgy as a shared practical project. It features the voices of students sharing their memories of the performances, events, lectures, discussion, or anything else they had experienced within the walls of the University Theatre in Amsterdam. Each student describes the space in a different way, yet they all touch upon the rich history of everything that has occurred over the lifetime of the theatre.