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Why did you choose the Master’s programme in Communication and Information at the UvA?

'My decision to study Communication and Information at the UvA was influenced by the versatility of the programme. The dual Master’s combines the theoretical, methodological and professional aspects of communication science in different domains of analysis. As a student, you research how language is used in fields such as health, politics, law and science whilst also studying discourse analysis and argumentation theory. Moreover, the programme offers a work-oriented approach and aligns with the current labor market by offering the opportunity to do an internship. These reasons, along with the many opportunities that being in Amsterdam affords, motivated me to choose this programme at the UvA - one of the top 10 universities in Europe!'

What makes Communication and Information interesting?

'The programme’s focus on pragma-dialectical theory as a tool for the analysis and evaluation of argumentative discourse. Using the pragma-dialectical theory, you can zoom in on and examine communication in every possible field of interest. This interesting theory combined with the programme’s carefully curated analytical themes make it very interesting.' 

How does your study connect with the current/modern times/society?

'Communication is everywhere. It sounds cliché but it’s true. This Master’s approaches communication as a vivid and constantly-evolving science. Throughout the programme, we study various theories and materials to examine and gain an understanding of communication inside a multifaceted society.' 

What are your plans once you are finished with the programme? 

'Having been exposed to different genres of communication as well as working experience from my internship, I aspire to work in the communication department of an artistic institute. Furthermore, I am also thinking about continuing my studies at the UvA by pursuing a PhD in communication and argumentation.'