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Look forward to a dynamic three-year programme. During the initial 1.5 years, you'll delve into an introductory exploration of various branches of political science. We cover various political systems, international political relations, policy issues, philosophy, and political economy. In the latter half of the programme, the focus shifts, allowing you to customise your path by specialising in one of our diverse study tracks.
Programme structure
This programme covers a wide range of topics, allowing me to explore different aspects of political science.  Read about Raúl's experience

Study schedule

  • History of Europe and the modern world since 1750
    Period 1

    This course provides a historical overview of the modern world since 1750, relevant for Political Science students. It delves into the origins of modern states, democracy, industrial capitalism, and their global impact. The course covers the rise of totalitarianism, World Wars, Cold War, and concludes with the post-Cold War era's significant changes.

  • Academic skills for political scientists I
    Period 1
    Period 2

    This course is aimed at enhancing specific academic skills. You will focus on reading academic texts, understanding authors' claims, and using insights to contribute to debates through case analyses. Effective communication skills are cultivated through written assignments, presentations, and group discussions. The overall goal is to equip you with the ability to engage coherently and collaboratively in academic debates.

  • Introduction to political science
    Period 1
    Period 2

    This course introduces you to politics and political science. Learn about important concepts like 'politics,' 'power,' 'conflict,' and 'cooperation.' Explore who holds political power, how journalists and political scientists view it differently, and how factors like race, gender, and class influence politics.

  • Public Policy and Governance
    Period 2

    Explore the political dilemmas faced by policymakers and how they address social issues. You will learn to think critically about why certain policies are adopted and how to use policy for social change.

  • Research project I
    Period 3

    Learn how research generates ideas, answers complex questions, and gathers data for your own research project. Collaborate in groups, develop academic and social skills, and experience hands-on research within our Bachelor's program.

  • History of political thought
    Period 4

    Discover core ideas of classical thinkers from ancient China, India, Greece, and more. Analyze enduring political challenges and engage with historical texts to reflect on ongoing debates. Use textbooks and primary sources to build independent reading skills.

  • Academic skills for political scientists II
    Period 4
    Period 5

    Learn about argumentation, critical thinking, and theoretical perspectives. Practice analyzing, writing, and discussing to engage in academic debates and evaluate articles. Build upon Academic Skills I, gaining insight into argumentation structures and theoretical choices.

  • Introduction to political science research
    Period 4
    Period 5

    Learn to evaluate claims about social reality using the scientific method. Explore different research methods and understand how to choose the best one for your topic. This skill helps improve decision-making in any future career, from policymaker to journalist.

  • International relations
    Period 5

    Explore theoretical perspectives, analyze global developments, and delve into key issues like conflict, security, development, and ethics of globalization. Gain insights into political science and our program's specialization.

  • Law and politics
    Period 6

    Explore the connection between law and politics by applying legal principles through practical assignments. Provide legal advice in cases with significant political importance, learning about citizenship, fair trials, administrative law, and human rights across different legal systems. This hands-on approach helps you understand how law shapes political processes as a tool, product, or constraint.

Compulsory course

See more information in the online Course Catalogue

Copyright: Toestemming voor gebruik op website
Our programme is taught by renowned political scientists. During my studies, I met teachers whose work I'd read, heard on podcasts, or seen on TV. Storm Brinkhuis
Additional options
Copyright: Toestemming voor gebruik op de website
The freedom and self-reliance the UvA encourages have become valuable skills in my professional and personal life. Meghan Rider
Time distribution and tutoring
Frequently asked questions