Before you enroll, check the tuition fee that you will have to pay. How much your tuition fee will be depends on your nationality, your Bachelor's programme and - if you have to pay statutory tuition - whether you are studying full-time or part-time. To find out, go to the tuition fees webpage:
In addition to your tuition fees, you will need to include a number of other study costs in your budget. Think of books, stationary, excursions, a laptop or other equipment. These costs vary per programme, but academic books and study materials will usually cost you between €50-100 per month.
Keep in mind that living in Amsterdam also includes costs such as accommodation, food and public transport.
Unfortunately, the Faculty of Humanities is unable to provide applicants with a scholarship. There are various other forms of financial aid available to students who would like to study at the University of Amsterdam. For more information, see: